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Runaway marriage novel

Chapter 7

Update: 2025-02-27 07:45:57 | 1 View
honey .
Maybe .
So many parents sacrificed everything for their children .
I wouldnt .
Life was too short .
Ethan was different .
He craved family .
A loving wife , obedient or rambunctious children that was his vision of happiness .
< I think youll be a wonderful father , I told him .
Youll give our child everything you wished youd had .
Youll spoil them rotten .
And in doing so , he would heal the wounds of his own childhood .
Thats why I wanted this baby .
For him .
He hugged me .
Youre the most important thing , Avery .
I just … I want a baby .
Ill be a good dad .
I promise .
I know you will .
I smiled .
I knew hed be happy .
I knew hed live a long , full life .
I would be there with him , watching him thrive .
We would have a beautiful future .
Bonus : Ithon ver told Avery about the first time < Ethan never told Avery about the first time he saw her .
It was behind the high school , by the dumpster .
He was filthy , starving , scavenging for food .
Then Avery appeared , an angel in a white dress .
She watched him for a moment , pity in her eyes .
She gave him two thousand dollars .
Find something else to do , she said gently .
Dont do things you hate .
Ethan didnt know why she helped him .
Pity ? A random act of kindness ? He only knew shed saved his life .
He used the money to leave town , working day and night , using his innate talent to ride the tech boom .
When he returned , he was a successful businessman , surrounded by advisors .
Avery had blossomed into a stunning young woman , flitting from one boyfriend to the next .
He wasnt surprised .
A girl like Avery deserved to be adored .
But it hurt .
Something primal , < something ugly , whispered in his blood : Take her .
Lock her away .
Make her yours .

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He fought the urge .
The struggle tore him apart .
Proposing to the Grays was a desperate gamble .
He ached for her , consumed by a loneliness that threatened to swallow him whole .
But if she refused … he wouldnt force her .
He wouldnt become his father .
Then shed come to him .
Hed won the lottery of life .
Six years later , their son was two .
Ethan dreamt of his other life , dying alone in that cold , dark room .
He saw Avery placing a single red rose beside his body .
He spent the rest of the night on the balcony , smoking , staring at the moon , round and full , like the mooncakes Avery had made last year .
If shed run away again … I would have died .
He < couldnt comprehend the despair hed felt then , but he understood .
A broken man was capable of anything .
But she hadnt run .
Whats wrong ? Averys arms slipped around his waist .
Youve been quiet all afternoon .
He wanted to tell her , to confess his fear , but the words wouldnt come .
He picked her up .
She gasped , her legs wrapping around his waist .
Put me down , you brute ! He blushed , nuzzling her neck .
He didnt need to ask .
Avery didnt like him dwelling on the past .
Focus on the future , she always said .
He would .
She was here .
With him .
He smiled .
| love you so much , honey .

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