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Runaway marriage novel

Chapter 6

Update: 2025-02-27 07:45:57 | 1 View
He hated the silent treatment .
Whenever I got upset and withdrew , hed panic , begging for forgiveness like a lost child .
This time , I wasnt giving in .
I ignored him for a full day , watching his anxiety spiral .
He picked at his bandages , reopening the wounds .
Even the doctor urged me to relent .
Consider his mental state .
I know .
I said quietly .
I will .
Back in his room , Ethan stared blankly out the window , a hollow shell of a man .
Ethan .
I said softly , standing a few feet away .
He closed his eyes , refusing to acknowledge the wedding .
A vase shattered on the bedside table .
His face contorted in a flash of rage , then crumpled into despair .
Avery … He scrambled out of bed , his wounds bleeding freely , reaching for me .
I grabbed his wrist , stroking his hair .
What are you going to do , Ethan ? Lock me up like your father did your mother ? Or are you going to hurt yourself again instead of laying a finger on me ? Avery .
He looked at me , lost and vulnerable .
I answered for him .
Youd hurt yourself , wouldnt you ? I kissed him , a chaste , emotionless press of lips .
Ethan , babe , sweetheart … what are you so afraid of ? < I thought I understood his fathers twisted logic .
He knew his wifes compliance , her years of obedience , hadnt brought him .
happiness .
Their marriage was a hollow victory .
He couldnt stand to see Ethan happy , to see him effortlessly receive the love hed craved .
He wanted Ethan to fail , to become him .
Hed kept hammering it home : Youre my son .
Youll do the same things I did .
Id watched the security footage .
His parting words to Ethan had been , Just wait , son .
As long as you live , youll become me .
Youll treat her the way I treated your mother .
Her future will be her mothers present .
Id scoffed .
So he knew his wifes life was a misery , so miserable that another woman suffering the same fate was an effective く Ethan didnt want me to become his mother .
He didnt want to hurt me .
He loathed the tainted genes hed inherited .
So hed chosen self destruction .
Do you see the difference between you and him ? I knelt beside him , looking into his eyes .
He would coerce , threaten , imprison .
You hurt yourself .
I intertwined my fingers with his uninjured hand .
Ethan , do you really think youre capable of hurting me ? He swallowed , tears welling up .
But Im scared , Avery .
Youre so … good .
So strong .
Im afraid youll end up like my mother … We wont .
I said firmly .
Were going to be happy , Ethan .
We all have dark impulses .
What matters is control .
You thought you might hurt me but you stopped yourself .
might hurt me , but you stopped yourself .
Youd rather die than hurt me .
Ethan , trust yourself .
Weve evolved .
Were not animals anymore .
I looked into his eyes .
And trust me , okay ? Im not your mother .
Im here because I want to be .
Because I love you .
Very , very much .
Avery … وو Ethan .
I repeated , holding his gaze .
Trust me .
Ive been in enough relationships to know what I dont want .
Im tired of arrogant , entitled men .
If I hadnt met you … I probably wouldnt have bothered with relationships again .
Like last time .
Alone , dying on a forgotten mountain .
Id been with too many men to feel much of anything anymore .
Until Ethan .
He く was so respectful , so … malleable .
He was like a big , cuddly cat , purring at my touch .
My pity had blossomed into something deeper , more genuine .
No woman could resist him .
I met Ethans father for coffee .
I hear your wife was a diplomat , I said .
Quite the force on the international stage .
He narrowed his eyes .
Why bring that up ? And now shes a homemaker .
Gained weight , lost her spark .
Become … dull .
Irritating .
You hate it , dont you ? You realize you loved the ambitious , driven woman she was , not the nagging housewife shes become .
Shut up ! he snarled .
I ignored him , smiling faintly .
And the sad part is … you created this .
You destroyed her .
I didnt know if he had a mistress , but his expression told me he probably did .
The fiery passion had fizzled out , consumed by the drudgery of domesticity .
He probably regretted it all , wondering why having it all had left him so empty .
Leave Ethan alone .
I said softly .
Hes suffered enough because of you and your wife .
Dont project your failures onto him .
My smile turned icy .
Hayes , Im being polite because youre Ethans father .
But if you try to hurt him again , I will destroy you .
He didnt get angry .
He just stared at me , a flicker of something … almost regret , in his eves .
I knew what he was thinking .
If only my く Youre wrong , I said .
If Id met you , we would have destroyed each other .
Hayes , no woman would be happy with you .
That finally got a rise out of him .
He lunged at me , but my bodyguards intercepted , pinning him to the ground .
A fifty year old man , wrestled to the floor like a common thug .
I laughed , pouring my scalding coffee over his head .
Hayes , I told you .
Im not your wife .
Im not a pushover .
Stay away from Ethan .
Or else .
I wasnt a fan of violence , but it was undeniably effective .
Hayes couldnt fight me .
He left town , defeated .
After the wedding , Ethan rolled around on our bed like a puppy , giddy with happiness .
Avery .
Avery … he murmured.
like he < Silly .
I patted his back .
Youve had too much champagne .
Go shower .
He grinned and disappeared into the bathroom .
I slipped into the lingerie Id bought for our wedding night , posing on the bed .
Ethans eyes lit up when he saw me , and he pounced .
He was insatiable , whispering baby over and over as he kissed me .
I drifted off to sleep , utterly exhausted , but content .
That night , I had another nightmare .
I saw Ethan after Id run away last time .
His father taunting him , See ? Youll bring her back .
Lock her up .
Just like me .
Dont deny it , son .
Youre just like me .
Youll break her , just like I broke your mother .
< Ethan clutched his head , moaning , surrounded by my pictures , his face twisted in anguish .
He didnt want to hurt me .
So hed chosen to die .
I woke up in a cold sweat , Ethans arm wrapped securely around me .
I traced his features , then slipped out of bed .
I stood before the locked room , trying Ethans keys , one by one .
The lock clicked .
I stepped into the room that had haunted my dreams .
Ethans suicide had been an act of self- preservation , a desperate attempt to escape the legacy of his father .
Hed looked at my pictures , blood flowing from his wrists , his last thoughts of me .
I remembered the headlines : Lovesick Fool .
They werent wrong .
Even now , I didnt know why he loved me .
He wouldnt tell me .
Maybe some things were better left unsaid .
Avery .
I turned .
Ethan stood in the doorway , silhouetted against the light .
He looked uncertain , anxious .
Do you … think Im a creep ? I shook my head , taking his cold hand .
What are you doing up ? You werent there .
He sounded so forlorn .
The bed was cold .
I laughed .
Hed been so cold and distant when we first met .
Now , he was a master of the puppy dog eyes .
Give anyone enough love , and they revert to their most vulnerable selves .
He tugged on my sleeve .
Do you … く really think Im creepy ? No.
Just … a little surprised .
I admitted .
I didnt know youd loved me for so long .
Youre not … mad ? Why would I be mad that you love me ? He blushed , wrapping his arms around my waist .
Youre so good to me … Will you … always be this forgiving ? I just trust that you wont hurt me .
I turned , hugging him .
I trust you .
I couldnt condemn a man who would rather die than hurt me .
Love was rare .
I treasured what we had .
Loved ones , once secure in their affection , く can become … territorial .
Like Ethan , with Liam .
It took all my strength to stop him from throwing out Liams wedding gift : a set of silk pajamas , embroidered with a tiny heart over the breast pocket .
Ethan had bristled at the sight of it , then retreated to the sofa , sulking .
I ignored him , examining the pajamas .
Whats so interesting about those ? he grumbled , coming over to hug me .
He towered over me , his warm breath on my neck .
Honey ? Okay .
I sighed , putting the pajamas in his hands .
Deal with it .
But dont throw them away .
That would be rude .
Ethan proceeded to shred the pajamas with a pair of scissors .
I watched in silence .
Do you have a vendetta against Liam ? く He paused , then mumbled , Yeah .
I always hated him .
He was so close to you , yet he dated other women .
He wasnt … loyal .
Presumably , I had been dating other men at the time .
Ethans double standard amused me .
It doesnt matter now .
I reassured him .
Im with you now , babe .
He cant come between us .
Ethan blushed crimson , turning away .
I never specifically treated Ethans depression .

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I treated him like a normal person , focusing on his happiness , showering him with affection and reassurance .
He blossomed under my care , his insecurity fading , replaced by a quiet confidence .
< His assistant confided in me one day .
Its … concerning , how much he relies on you .
But … ..
وو I dont know what else to do .
Hes just … Lovesick .
He didnt say the word , but we both knew .
I know its not ideal , I said .
His happiness depends on me .
If something happened to me … he wouldnt cope .
I sighed .
But life isnt perfect .
Id accepted him , flaws and all .
A healthy relationship was about mutual happiness , not forced change .
I wanted him to be happy .
The rest was just … details .
On our third anniversary , I discovered I was pregnant .
Ethan was ecstatic , then terrified .
He couldnt sleep .
I asked him what was wrong .
He held me close , his voice tight with anxiety .
< Honey , what if Im a bad father ? What if I mess up ? Will you … blame me ? No.
I stroked his hair .
Youll always be more important than the baby .
Our child will want for nothing .
What they become is up to them .
Ethan , were the ones who have to live with each other forever .
His eyes widened .
He wanted to argue , but he couldnt .
Finally , he mumbled , Youre weird ,

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