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Runaway marriage novel

Chapter 4

Update: 2025-02-27 07:45:57 | 1 View
Were not calling it off .
We were so close I could see the tiny hairs on his cheek .
He looked so vulnerable .
I touched his hair .
Tell me why you want to marry me .
He hesitated , trying to look away , but I cupped his chin .
Tell me , Ethan .
Babe .
Tell me .
I stared at him .
I dont want to be kept in the dark .
His eyelashes fluttered .
He mumbled , I want to marry you .

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Why ? Tears spilled down his cheeks .
He looked at me , a silent plea in his eyes .
I said it for him .
You love me .
Dont you ? Silly , why is that so hard to say ? I caressed his cheek , trying to stand , but he pulled me onto the sofa , holding me tight .
The cool composure shattered .
He buried his face in my neck , sobbing .
This is … disgusting , isnt it ? Me … like this … loving you .
Its repulsive .
< I stared at him , stunned .
Disgusting ? Repulsive ? Didnt he know he topped every Most Eligible Bachelor list ? How could someone like him be so insecure ? I thought I finally understood .
I lifted his face , wiping his tears .
My friends are jealous Im marrying you .
They say Im the luckiest girl alive .
Why are you acting like its something to be ashamed of ? He hid his face in my neck .
again , silent .
At least hed stopped crying .
I patted his back , sighing .
Ethan , please .
Have some confidence .
You own a thirty two story building .
People call you sir .
Youre ridiculously good looking .
If I fell for you , wouldnt that be … normal ? He trembled .
You … love me ? What do you think ? Do you think I come here every day because I have nothing better to do ? I patted his back .
Ethan , girls dont waste time on men theyre not interested in < not interested in .
Have a little faith in yourself .
Youre amazing .
Truly amazing .
And well be amazing together .
Trust me .
He started crying again , his tears hot against my neck .
You cant lie to me .
Im not lying .
My heart ached for him .
I touched his earlobe , feeling his tears , the frantic beat of his heart against mine .
He was different from anyone Id ever dated .
It was … intriguing .
I thought .
Ethan was so fragile .
A word , a look , could shatter him .
It was strange to see in a man who ruled a corporate empire .
But his assistants warnings echoed in my head : Dont trigger him .
I asked , Has he gotten worse ? No.
The assistant hesitated .
Actually , hes been much better .
He hasnt needed sleeping pills .
Then why are you so worried ? Hes better because of you .
If you leave , if you get tired of this … it could be L very bad .
He pleaded , I dont know why youre doing this , but please … dont leave him .
Hell break .
Hell die , I finished the thought silently .
I touched his arm .
Dont worry .
I care about him more than you know .
I wasnt a savior , or a therapist .
All I could do was try to make him happy .
Maybe if he was happy , the rest would follow .
I was surprised when Ethans father contacted me .
I hadnt even known he had a father .
He was from New York , impeccably dressed , with the same sharp features as Ethan , but a completely different aura .
He radiated menace .
He got straight to the point .
Gray , I want you to leave my son .
| blinked , taking a sip of tea .
How much are you offering ? Two million .
Enough to solve your familys … financial difficulties .
I paused .
I hadnt known we had financial paustu , 1 HAUN & NHUWII WO TAU TIIanutaι difficulties .
I studied him .
Were in love .
Youll have to do better than that .
Ethan bought me a necklace worth three million .
Two million isnt nearly enough .
He scoffed .
You think being with him is a good thing ? He sneered .
Have you spoken to your ex- boyfriends lately? See how many are still … around .
And that Liam fellow ? You think Ethan will let him be ? Or your brother ? Blood relation wont protect him .
Ethan will destroy everyone around you .
And youll be none the wiser , a pawn in his little game .
How pathetic .
I frowned , disgust rising in my throat .
I trust Ethan .
He wouldnt do that .
وو Check for yourself .
He smiled , a chillingly confident smile .
Like father , like son .
I used these tactics on his mother .
Hell use them on you .
Just wait and see .
< So , I assume your wife isnt with your anymore ? Quite the contrary .
Were very happy .
He smiled smugly .
She couldnt escape .
She resigned herself to her fate .
She has family , you see , couldnt abandon them .
Shes very … docile now .
Obedient .
Waits for me at home every day … soft , gentle .
Ive clipped her claws , filed her teeth .
Tamed her .
Shes a bird in a gilded cage .
I woke up with a gasp , my back drenched

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