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My son had an asthma attack novel

Chapter 5

Update: 2025-02-28 22:16:45 | 1 View
Mom , flustered , let the ladies surround me .
She grabbed Ethan and ran .
He screamed .
My insides twisted .
My palms bled .
The last shred of affection for my mother vanished .
They wanted to play dirty ? Fine .
The ladies let me go once Mom was gone .
I took pictures of them , sent them to the cops .
My son was just kidnapped ! Youre all accomplices ! My phones been recording this whole time ! The police heard everything ! Expect a call ! I ignored their pleas , followed Mom and Jessica .
Id put a tracker in Ethans clothes after Jessicas release .
I knew shed come after me .
I sent the trackers location to the cops .
We followed , converging on an abandoned warehouse .
Ethan and Leo were inside .
Leo tied to a chair .
Ethan listless on a bed .
Jessica saw me , laughed .

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Knew youd come ! You wouldnt let your precious son die ! But what about Ethan ? You raised him ! How can you watch him suffer ? Give me Davids money ! I need to buy the medicine ! And youll sell your house , too ! Living with Ethan had worn her thin .
Her money was gone .
Shed drained Moms Not this time .
Jessica , get real .
Im not paying for your son .
You made this mess , you clean it up ! You knew he might have asthma ! You chose to have him ! This is your responsibility , no one elses ! Her face twisted in rage .
She walked to Leo .
You bitch ! This is your fault ! If youd just paid for Ethans treatment , none of this would have happened ! She yanked Leos chair over , sending him crashing to the floor .
Give me the money , or your son dies with him ! Leo screamed .
I fought back the tears .
I needed to end this , once and for all .
Leo , dont cry ! Mommys coming ! Be brave ! Youre a big boy ! I blinked back tears .
Ethan woke up , called for me .
Mommy ! Jessica spun around , slapped him .
Who are you calling Mommy ?! Im your mom ! She doesnt want you ! Shut up ! Just like your worthless father ! Little bastard ! Choosing her over me ! Why should I even bother saving you ?! She lunged at Ethan , shaking him violently .
Mom tried to intervene , got kicked to the ground .
Leave him alone ! Hes the reason Im divorced! Broke ! He chose her ! I wish Id never had him ! I wish hed died at the hospital ! She was losing it .
I snuck over , quietly untied Leo while Jessica was ranting .
Mom saw , trembled , but stayed silent .
I took Leos hand , started to leave .
I stepped on a branch .
It snapped .
Jessica whirled around .
Trying to run ? Not a く She pulled a knife , charged at us .
I pushed Leo .
Run ! I closed my eyes , waiting for the pain .
It didnt come .
Instead , a thud .
Jessica collapsed , blood gushing from her head .
Mom stood there , trembling , a wooden club in her hand .
Her eyes , filled with horror and … grief .
Jessica … Jessica …

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