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My son had an asthma attack novel

Chapter 2

Update: 2025-02-28 22:16:45 | 1 View
Jessica shot me a triumphant look as they left .
I smiled .
She had no idea what was coming .
I followed them to the hospital .
The ER was packed .
No beds .
I remembered this .
A bombing downtown .
All hands on deck .
Ethan was fading fast .
Eyes rolling back , lips deep purple , body limp .
Mom and Jessica panicked , helpless .
They く My widows ID would get Ethan priority .
But I spread my hands , feigning helplessness .
Someone borrowed it .
Important .
I wouldnt save anyone , not even if I had the ID .
Ethan unplugged me .
He deserved this .
Mom , holding Ethan , couldnt yell .
Jessica , though , collapsed on the floor , wailing .
How can a mother be like this ?! Hes dying ! And you dont care ! You said youd watch him die ! I brought him here ! Youd rather save strangers ! Hes just a baby ! Look at him ! How could you do this to David ?! Her outburst drew a crowd .
Mostly families of the bombing victims .
They saw themselves in her , their own loved ones fighting for their lives .
They turned on me .
My daughters in there ! How dare you ! You should be the one dying ! < me .
My daughters in there ! How dare you ! You should be the one dying ! Exactly ! Why have a kid if you dont want it ! Poor baby ! If you werent a woman , Id beat you senseless ! Her husbands dead , and she treats his son like this ! Bitch ! Their words stung .
Jessica had the nerve to mention David ? Hed given her thousands to start her business , introduced her to her husband .
And she repaid him by stealing his son , leaving him to … I couldnt even think about it .
Now she was twisting the knife , blaming me .
Fine .
Id play along .
Make it bigger .
Full blown meltdown .
I crossed my arms , sneered .
Jessica , its my ID .
Ill save who I want .

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Hes my son .
I can die with him if I want .
You care L so much ? Why dont you die with him ? She was speechless .
Furious .
She lunged at me , trying to choke me .
You heartless monster ! Youll rot in hell ! I dodged , and a shout rang out .
Back up ! Everyone back up ! Security guards pushed through the crowd , approaching my mom .
Whats going on ? Why isnt this child being treated ? Mom pointed at me , sobbing .
The doctors are busy .
No beds .
I begged her to do something , but she just … ignored me ! My poor grandson … hes gone ! She wailed , clutching Ethan .
The head guard ordered his men to take Ethan to the resuscitation room .
Mom , finally free , turned on me .
Ashley , you heartless witch! Davids only been gone three years ! How can you let his son die ?! < I raised you better than this ! Youre a disgrace ! Youre not even human ! I stepped forward , wanting to scream about my son , about what shed done .
Jessica cut me off .
She held up her phone , showing pictures to the crowd .
Shes always been cruel to Ethan ! Bruises on his arms , legs ! Shes evil ! David gave her everything ! The house , the money ! And she abuses his son ! The guard turned to me .
Whats this about ? I shook my head , speechless .
My mother .
My sister .
The two people I loved most in the world .
Why ? Why were they doing this ? Anyone else , it wouldnt hurt so much .
But them … theyd killed my son .
Made me raise their child .
The crowd continued to hurl insults .
Monctor ! Your bushand will haunt you ! IVIONSTER ! four nuspanu will naunɩ you ! Thats not a mother ! Thats a demon ! Bitch ! Youre a disgrace to women ! Abusing a child , watching him die ! You have no soul ! Jessica , basking in the attention , yelled at me , Ashley , get on your knees ! Beg for Ethans life ! Apologize ! Then maybe Mom and I will forgive you ! Or were done with you .
Youre not our family anymore ! How dare she ? Ask me to beg the boy whod killed me ? I tamped down my rage .
Fine .
Were done .
You ! Jessicas eyes bulged .
Dont push it ! Mom slapped me .
I cant believe I raised such a heartless child ! I held my cheek , a strange calm washing over me .
This slap … it severed the last tie .
I owed ber nothing Shod never treated me like o < such a heartless child ! ̈ ́ I held my cheek , a strange calm washing over me .
This slap … it severed the last tie .
I owed her nothing .
Shed never treated me like a daughter anyway .
Stop ! Everyone stop !! The head guard returned , two police officers with him .
We got a call .
Child abuse .
Attempted murder .
Whos Ashley ? Youre coming with us .
The crowd pointed at me .
Thats her ! She should be locked up! Yeah , lethal injection ! I clenched my fists , took a deep breath , and looked at the cop .
Jessica was smirking .
I needed to stay calm .
Im Ashley , but I didnt abuse or try to kill anyone .
Jessica scoffed , showed the cop the video , tears streaming down her face .
Officer , she < She filmed him suffering ! Look ! He almost died ! The video showed Ethan gasping , clutching his chest , writhing in pain , crying for his mom .
And there I was , smiling at the camera .
Jessica sobbed dramatically .
Right on cue .
Mother and son , a perfect act .
She showed no remorse for what she did to my son , and now she had the gall to cry ? The video riled up the crowd .
You animal ! Hes just a baby ! My mom tried to slap me again .
I pushed her back , almost knocking her over .

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