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My son had an asthma attack novel

Chapter 4

Update: 2025-02-28 22:16:45 | 1 View
I walked to Mom , pried her hand off Jessicas .
Whispered , Mom , if you dont let her go , Ill tell them you switched the babies .
Mom flinched , let go .
The cops cuffed Jessica , led her away , her cries echoing through the ER .
The other mothers stared , dumbfounded .
Ethan really is her son … No wonder she was so frantic .
She didnt even look at Leo … God , shes disgusting ! Even if Leo wasnt hers , she had no right to hurt him like that ! He looks … I dont know if hell make it .
Like hes broken .

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My heart ached .
My little Leo .
So much pain .
Twice now .
I wanted to kill Jessica .
Shed made me pay for her son , and then … く She a made me pay for her son , and then … tried to get rid of mine .
I dropped to my knees , begged the doctors .
Please , save my son! My husband died saving people ! Leos all I have left ! Please ! Two nurses , eyes filled with tears , helped me up .
We saw your ID .
We know your husband was a hero .
The best doctors are working on Leo .
Hes stable .
A few surgeries , hell be fine .
They returned my ID .
The mothers apologized .
Were so sorry .
We didnt know you were a widow .
We didnt know Jessica was so … evil .
We almost let her kill Leo .
Please forgive us .
وو Forgive me .
وو Someone started collecting donations .
A widows child is our child .
We want to help ! Yes , the hospital should do everything they く Thank God the truth came out ! Protect your precious boy ! I didnt want the money , but the nurses said it was a gesture of respect , of gratitude .
The fire had scarred the city .
They remembered David .
I clutched the cash , bowed my head .
Thank you .
Thank you all .
Then , I saw a figure trying to slip away .
Mom , where are you going ? Whos going to take care of Ethan ? Oh , I mean Leo .
I was changing Leos name , legally , back to Ethan .
But I needed Mom to look after … her grandson .
I wasnt raising him .
Mom stopped , turned back , annoyed .
Leo ? You raised him for three years ! Hes practically yours ! What difference does it make ? One kid , two kids … its the same .
I have things to do Im leaving She turned to go .
I yelled , Mom , if you leave , Im sending him to foster care ! And Ill tell your son in law what really happened ! Think hell stay with Jessica ? Mom whirled around , eyes blazing .
Not a mothers eyes .
A strangers .
Something clicked .
Her words … I had a terrible suspicion .
Id have to look into it .
The nurses wheeled Leo to a room .
Mom followed , obediently .
I stayed with Ethan , went with him to surgery .
To have his bones set .
Jessica had broken his leg with a chair .
Let him scream in pain , crying for his mommy .
What had a baby ever done to deserve that ? The surgery was a success .
Hed heal quickly .
A few months in bed , and hed be running around again .
I took Ethan home .
He was confused .
Aunt Jessie , why am I < going with you ? Where are Mommy and Daddy ? My heart shattered .
I forced a smile .
Ethan , Im your mommy now .
Youll live with me , okay ? He hesitated , then nodded .
Im so jealous of … the other Ethan .
Youre so nice to him .
My mommy just hits me … I hugged him tight , tears spilling down my face .
No more .
No one will ever hurt you again .
Youre my only son .
A couple of months later , I ran into Mom while buying groceries .
She started crying , apologizing , trying to take Ethan .
Ashley , its all my fault ! I was … confused! I switched you babies ! Leo suffered so much ! Please forgive me ! Ill beg ! Ill get on my knees ! < She started to kneel .
Neighbors stared .
I held Ethan tight , my face impassive .
Mom , are you trying to set me up again ? Mom froze , then knelt .
Ashley , Im so sorry ! Please ! Forgive me ! She wailed , banging her head on the ground , drawing a bigger crowd .
Here we go again .
She put on a show , sobbing louder , hitting her head harder as more people gathered .
I made a mistake ! But how long are you going to punish me ? Im begging you ! What more do you want ? Now I looked unreasonable , unforgiving .
I opened my mouth to speak , but some nosy ladies beat me to it .
How can you treat your mother like this ? She apologized ! Why are you making her beg ? Ive never seen such disrespect ! Shes your A mother kneeling to her daughter ! Shame on you ! Youll be punished ! I snorted , looked towards a shadowy figure lurking nearby , and said loudly , Thats right , some daughters deserve to be punished .
They thought I didnt know .
Mom had used her house to bail Jessica out .
The woman whod never bought me a candy bar used her life savings to free her favorite daughter .
Jessica had manipulated her , of course .
Shed bleed everyone dry .

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