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My husband gave 30w to his first love novel

Chapter 9

Update: 2025-03-01 03:25:27 | 1 View
Chapter 9 That night , Christian confessed hed harbored feelings for me for years .
He explained that before he could express his interest , hed learned of my marriage .
Now that I was divorced , he didnt want to let another opportunity slip away and asked me to consider a relationship with him .
He found me a new apartment in a secure building , helped me move , and began cooking for me daily .
One afternoon , while he was preparing lunch in the kitchen , Kaia dropped by .
Your new mans quite the catch , she teased .
Oh , and Ive got some juicy gossip .
What kind ? I asked .
Kaias face lit up with schadenfreude .
Its about your penny pinching ex .
A friend told me loan sharks are after Nolan , and they even called his friend .
Since he cant pay up , theyve plastered his compromising photos everywhere .

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His family and friends are being hounded by debt collectors and have all cut ties .
Hes been begging everyone for money , but no one will help .
Chapter 9 Hes been kicked out of the hospital for unpaid bills and is living on the streets .
2/3 It all made sense now .
The money for the designer bags and the house down payment had all come from loans hed taken out from loan sharks .
He could have managed the monthly payments with his salary , but after the wedding incident cost him his precious job , everything unraveled .
The debts snowballed with compound interest while cancer treatment expenses mounted .
Caught between these two crushing burdens , he couldnt handle either .
The hospital wasnt a charity , and the loan sharks turned to aggressive collection tactics when he defaulted .
His downfall had been inevitable .
I felt oddly neutral about it all , neither grief nor joy .
Then , while spending time with Christian one day , I heard Nolan had died .
Though I knew about his cancer , the timing seemed premature .
According to my friend , it wasnt the cancer that killed him but rage .
Hed been scrounging through garbage when he spotted Andrea Chapter 9 with another man .
His precious son was calling this stranger Dad .
3/3 When Nolan confronted her about letting his child call another man father , Andrea had sneered , You actually thought he was yours ? Thats his real father .
Who do you think you are ? This was karma .
The cheater had been cheated on all along .
Learning hed been cuckolded was too much for Nolans pride .
The shock and fury literally killed him .
It was a tragic end , but one of his own making .
After hearing the news , I simply said I see and called my boyfriend about lunch plans .
I had financial security , a loving relationship, and a fulfilling life .
Nolan was firmly in my past where he belonged .
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