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My husband gave 30w to his first love novel

Chapter 4

Update: 2025-03-01 03:25:27 | 1 View
Chapter 4 The day I discovered the missing 300 thousand dollars from our account , I had been at the hospital collecting Nolans test results .
The doctor had found a lesion in his lungs likely cancer .
Treatment would cost at least 300 thousand dollars .
Before I could even tell him about the diagnosis , hed given our money to his mistress for a house down payment and was rushing to divorce me .
Well , divorce suited me fine I had no intention of caring for a cancer patient who had betrayed me .

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A week later , I took Nolan to court .
The evidence of his infidelity was irrefutable .
Id invited many of our mutual friends to witness the proceedings , and quite a few showed up , eager to watch the drama unfold .
Nolan sat in the defendants chair , his face dark with anger .
Beside him , Andrea and their two year old son were on the verge of tears .
They made a pitiful sight , but I felt nothing for them .
The judges ruling came as expected : divorce granted , with Chapter 4 Nolan forfeiting all property rights .
2/3 Furthermore , since the transfers to Andrea werent documented as voluntary gifts but came from our marital assets , they had one week to return the money or face jail time .
As we left the courthouse , Nolan exploded in rage .
I dont have any money ! Take my life if you want ! His life ? He didnt have much of that left anyway .
Who would want it ? I gave him a cold smile .
Now that you have a criminal record , your son will carry that shame forever .
His face turned ashen .
I knew Nolan well his obsession with having a son , his constant talk about carrying on the family line and bringing honor to the family name .
Without a son , the Cole family line would end .
For his precious sons future , he would have to repay me .
I left the courthouse victorious .
A week later , 350 thousand dollars appeared in my account from an unknown source .
The transfer note carried a single message : [ Karma will come for you ! ] I rolled my eyes .
Karma would come for him first .
Chapter 4 Write your comment it Gifts

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