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My husband gave 30w to his first love novel

Chapter 8

Update: 2025-03-01 03:25:27 | 1 View
Chapter 8 At work , I struggled to focus .
Nolan had my address .
Given his vindictive nature , I was worried that he might retaliate if I pushed back too hard .
These concerns led to careless errors in my paperwork .
Christian Webb , my supervisor and the company presidents son, summoned me to his office .
Care to explain these elementary mistakes ? he asked .
Despite his youth , hed earned a reputation for his ruthless efficiency .
Everyone walked on eggshells around him .
I apologize , Mr.
Webb .
Ill correct them immediately , I said , keeping my eyes down .
Fine .
He cleared his throat .
I heard about your divorce .
I looked up , surprised .
Yes , thats right .
His gaze shifted slightly .
Dont let personal matters interfere with work , he said evenly .

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That evening , despite the forecast for clear skies , it started pouring .
1/5 As I stood searching for a taxi in the downpour , Christians car Chapter 8 pulled up beside me .
Need a ride ? he offered through the lowered window .
Given the late hour and lack of taxis , I accepted .
The drive passed in comfortable silence after I gave his driver my address .
The rain had stopped by the time we arrived .
2/5 I was exchanging polite goodbyes with Christian when Nolan suddenly lunged from behind some bushes , grabbing my wrist .
Christian , startled , reacted instantly , knocking Nolan down with a single punch before positioning himself protectively in front of me .
Who are you ? he demanded icily .
You whore ! Nolan ranted , pointing between Christian and me .
You dragged me through court , took everything , and now I find out why .
Youve got yourself a boy toy ! You were cheating all along ! Has the cancer spread to your brain ? I snapped .
This is my boss , not some lover .
Just because youre trash doesnt mean everyone else is ! Nolans eyes darted between us suspiciously .
Noting my composed demeanor , he hesitated before saying , Even if hes not your lover , somethings going on .
I can see it in the way he looks at you .
Chapter 8 3/5 I turned to Christian , stunned , but hed already averted his gaze .
Before I could process this , several bright camera flashes blinded me .
Nolan waved his phone triumphantly .
Got the evidence right here ! Theres definitely something between you two .
Give me half of that 350 thousand dollars , or Ill take you to court .
Ive got proof ! He was completely unreasonable .
I had never encountered anyone so shameless before .
I could only laugh at his audacity .
Sue if you want , Christian said coolly .
My companys legal department will be happy to counter sue for violation of privacy , defamation , and slander .
Your choice .
Christians commanding presence in his tailored suit , combined with his cold demeanor , visibly deflated Nolans bravado .
I … I was just kidding , Nolan stammered .
Besides , is it necessary for a woman ? Christian looked at me and replied seriously , Yes .
With Christian backing me , Nolans attitude shifted dramatically .
Chapter 8 4/5 He bowed , attempting to appeal to my sympathy .
Im dying of cancer and need money for treatment .
For old times sake , you dont want me to die , do you ? Please help me ! Far from stirring my emotions , his display almost made me laugh .
When Id urged him to reclaim his money before , hed called me selfish and petty .
Now here I was .
I cant help you , I said with a smile .
But Ill visit your grave .
How can you be so heartless ! he gasped , his gaunt face a mask of disbelief .
Taking pity , I offered practical advice .
Why not sell the house you bought for Andrea ? His face fell .
Its … its in her name .
I cant sell it .
Then I cant help you , I said , throwing him a cold glance .
Find someone else .
Im your ex husband ! he spat , glaring .
How can you be so cruel ? Do you need to watch me die to be happy ? There he went with the guilt trips again .
Where did he get the idea I was so soft hearted ? Chapter 8 Remember when I warned you to get your money back ? I sneered .
You refused , saying Andrea needed it as a single mother .
5/5 Well , maybe someone will take pity on you now .
Good luck with that .
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