Five years of lies .
If youd told me the truth , we wouldnt be here .
He stared at his legs , and punched them .
Its my fault .
What do you want me to do ? I went inside , and locked the door .
Get out of my life .
I saw Liam leave .
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The next day , Liam posted that I was his wife .
Serena was just a friend .
Serena found Liam , and they fought .
The press took photos .
Г Serena was shouting that she had given him everything .
You think this will bring her back ? When you broke her fingers , you lost her ! Chapter Five Liam slapped her , and pulled his investments from Serenas business .
The internet found out about the piano competition .
Serena had bullied other musicians , and bribed the judges .
Everyone hated Liam and Serena .
Г They found videos of me playing the piano , regretting my accident .
Liams business crashed .
His rivals wanted to destroy the Grants .
Liam begged me to help him .
He was on my doorstep with Danny .
Liv , we were married for five years .
Please .
Danny hugged my leg .
Mommy , dont be angry .
Come home .
I pulled Danny off .
He started crying , Mommy , dont leave me .
The neighbors peered out .
Liv , talk .
111 Dont make so much noise .
I pushed Danny away , he fell down , looking at me .
I would have protected him once , but I knew it was all an act .
Danny just wanted me to care for him again .
I walked past Liam and Danny .
Clint was waiting .
He was introducing me to < Clint was waiting .
He was introducing me to someone .
Liam followed , watching me get in Clints car .
The car pulled away , and Danny chased .
I saw him fall , scraping his hands .
Mommy , dont leave me .
I was hurt , but I kept going .
Clint asked , Do you want to stop ? I shook my head , watching the scenery .
Who are we meeting ? He smiled .
Youll see Г Clint stopped at the hospital , and led me inside .
When I saw who was waiting , my heart skipped a beat .
Chad was a great surgeon , who had been working overseas .
I stared at Clint How did you get him ? Clint smiled Chad is my friend .
I asked him to look at your hands .
Youre talented .
I want you to play again .
I was speechless .
Clint , thank you .
Г Chad examined me .
Liv , its complicated .
Its an old injury .
I was disappointed .
Clint squeezed my shoulder .
He can fix you .
I looked at Chad .
Chad spoke I can try , but I cant promise anything .
I agreed , setting up a schedule .
Clint walked with me .
I lowered my head .
Clint , thank you for everything .
く I wouldnt be playing again without you .
Clint looked at me .
I just appreciate talent .
I want to start a piano class , and youll be a great teacher .
Liam and Danny were waiting , watching .
Dannys hands were bandaged .
He held them out .
Mommy , my hands hurt .
Can you kiss them better ? Danny pushed Clint away .
く He thought he could get me back by manipulating me .
Danny , Serena is your mom .
Dont try to manipulate me .
I wont .
Liam spoke , trying to get my attention .
He wants to be close to you .
Hes young .
Liam wanted me to feel bad .
I went to Clint , telling Liam .