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Forget each other in this life novel

Chapter 2

Update: 2025-02-28 22:13:40 | 1 View
Black leather shoes appeared in my line of sight .
Liam frowned .
Your voice sounds familiar .
Look up .
The chef smacked my hat down , hard .
Didnt you hear him ? Look up ! A sharp blade sliced across the back of my hand , leaving a deep gash .
Г Blood dripped onto the floor .
Liam recoiled , sounding disgusted .
Cant even look me in the eye .
What did I expect ? Serenas sweet voice floated in , Liam , what are you doing ? Liam shielded her eyes .
I glanced at him .
There was a flicker of something that almost looked like pity in his eyes .
Dont look .
Its dirty .
Married for five years , Id learned to gut fish , slaughter chickens .
I had gone from someone who didnt lift a finger to an expert on a domestic Г Liam had never cared , and every time he didnt like the dishes I prepared , he complained .
The cut on my hand was throbbing , but it was nothing compared to the ache in my heart .
Liam led Serena away .
Danny ran past , waving a toy airplane , giving Serena the name Id dreamed of hearing .
Mommy ! Tears streamed down my face .
The head chef barked at me to get my hand bandaged .
When I got back , someone else was peeling potatoes .
The Г The head chef told me to serve , and with a sigh , I pulled a mask out of my pocket .
I just wanted to get through the night without being recognized .
I carried a tray into the dining room , just as the Grants were chatting .
Liams father beamed at Liam , talking about old times .
Liam , son , thanks to you cozying up to Liv , we were able to destroy the Owens .
Liam leaned back , a smile playing on his lips .
Liv was too stupid .
I only had to whisper in her ear , and she showed me everything in the company .
く Serena giggled , snuggling into Liams shoulder .
It was Liam who set up that car accident so I could win the piano competition ! My mind went blank .
I stood frozen in the doorway .
The Grants were still taking credit for destroying my family .
One of the servers bumped my shoulder , urging me forward .
What are you waiting for ? The foods getting cold .
I moved forward mechanically .
Liam was < holding Serenas waist , kissing her .
When we first met , Liam had told me his family was awful .
His father wanted to leave the company to his illegitimate son , pushing Liam aside .
To help Liam , I begged my dad to mentor him .
Thats how Liam got into our company .
Memories flooded my mind .
Liam , whispering sweet nothings , promising forever .
Liv , I will always take care of you .
My fingers throbbed .
Danny ran over to Serena , cuddling in her lap .
Mommy , I want < Mommy shines when she plays the piano .
Serena looked at Liam , smoothing Dannys hair .
You can thank your dad for that .
Liam swirled his wine , smug .
Liv doesnt even know the car accident was my fault .
It was me who made sure her fingers were crushed .
She had no chance of being better than Serena .
Chapter Two I dropped the tray , running away like a coward .
< I dropped the tray , running away like a coward .
Collapsing in a heap in the kitchen , I sobbed .
After the Owens family went bankrupt , the Grants rose to power .
The day my father jumped from the building , he pointed at Liam , trying to warn me .
The head chef rolled his eyes , gesturing for me to serve .
I stood and carried on with work .
The dining room was full of laughter .
Serenas eyes flickered in my direction .
I tried to avoid her gaze , but she snorted .
く Serena ruffled Dannys hair , speaking loudly for me to hear .
Danny , who do you love more ? Me , or your old mommy ? Danny pouted , sounding disgusted .
I hate that old woman in the apartment .
She smells .
You smell good , Mommy .
I love you the most ! Liam beamed , stroking Dannys hair .
Thats my boy .

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Hes got good taste .
Id raised Danny , read him stories , and now , he acted as if I didnt exist .
く Liam had said he wanted time alone with me , and now I knew it was all Serenas machinations .
I couldnt breathe .
Serena looked at me , taunting , she knew who I was .
Liam , lets get Danny on my birth certificate .

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