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Fiancée for seven years left for his ex novel

Chapter 28

Update: 2025-02-28 22:00:11 | 1 View
Chapter 28 % He said it half jokingly , but there was a certain senousness in his eyes that I couldnt ignore .
I sat there in the studio , staring at the live stream on my phone , watching Jason kneeling like a clown .
The camera zoomed in on a massive bouquet of roses so red they were almost blinding Too bad , roses were the one flower I absolutely hated .
Especially a big , tacky bunch of red ones .
Even worse , favorite .
those roses were Avas I remembered seeing a post on social media where Ava had shyly said that red roses were her favorite symbolizing passionate , romantic love .

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Now , it seemed like Jason had grabbed them straight from Avas hospital room.X Ha , talk about making full use of things .
Dont bother with him .
Hes annoying , but this is kind of funny , Chase said , his voice light , but you could hear the amusement in it .
The live stream kept going , with Jason crying and going on about all our so called good times our first date , the first time we held hands … All those moments that used to make my heart race now just felt like a bad joke .
Come on , Jason , can you at least have some self respect ?! He thought that by kneeling and begging for reconciliation , Id soften up .
What a joke .
He didnt get it , not one bit .
He never really understood me at all To him , I was the perfect girlfriend he imagined gentle , considerate , understanding , and maybe even a little submissive .
Too bad for him , I dont beg like a dog after being dumped ! Third Persons POVI Later that day , while Jason was still live streaming , the cops showed up and arrested him for disturbing public order .
!! His parents arrived , looking all fancy in their designer clothes , but they were completely frantic As soon as his mom saw him , she gasped and started wailing like hed been sentenced to death .
His dad , on the other hand , stayed cool , talking to the cops in a way that made it clear the Reed family had some serious connections .
But the cops werent playing favorites they treated him just like anyone else ! In the end , Jason was detained for fifteen days .
Meanwhile , Ava was lying in her hospital bed , watching Jasons kneeling livestream on her phone The sight of him begging for me made her shake with rage .
She never expected him to go crawling back to me instead of staying by her side .
in her mind , Emma had always been the one she could walk all over and someone to humiliate whenever she felt like it !! Jason ! Get back here ! How dare you go back to her ! she screamed .
Emma … Emma … she wailed , throwing anything she could find around the room , smashing it to pieces in her fury .
Hey , miss , take it easy .
These VIP room facilities arent cheap .
If you break anything , youre gonna have to pay for it said a nurse standing by the door , arms crossed , her voice dripping with sarcasm .
Miss Green , when are you gonna stop with the act ? another nurse chimed in .
Youre throwing things around like were in a psychiatric ward ! } Exactly , the first nurse added .
You were fine , but now youre faking being sick .
If we didnt know better , wed think the hospitals mistreating patients ! Avas face turned as pale as the walls , her chest heaving in anger .
She pointed at the nurses , her voice seething with rage .
What do you think youre doing ? How dare you lecture me ? Get out ! The nurses exchanged a look , shrugged , and left the room .
They werent there to deal with tantrums they just wanted to do their jobs .
But what Ava didnt expect was that the next day , she was kicked out of the hospital .

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