Chapter 19 % Emmas POVE I patiently listened to Chases mother , occasionally offering a few words of agreement .
Emma , look , this is a gift your mother specifically prepared for you , she said , smiling as she pulled a small box out of the safe .
She opened it , revealing a family heirloom a ruby pendant with their familys crest carved into it .
!! It sparkled brilliantly and its worthy value was obvious .
!! Mrs.
Thompson , this is too precious .
I cant accept it , I protested , even though I really liked it .
The gift felt too overwhelming .
You silly child , why are you being so polite ? she said , her tone gentle but firm .
Once you marry my son , youre one of us .
These are all things you deserve .
Before I could argue , she gently pushed the jade pendant into my hands .
Chase jumped in , This rubys been passed down through our family for generations .
Its carved from thousand year- old cold ruby and has been worn by several generations .
It absorbs our familys fortune and blessings , turing bad luck into good and making tough times easier .
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Emma , do you like it ? Iran my fingers over the smooth ruby crest , feeling the weight of the gesture and the history behind it .
Part of me felt honored , but the other part was a little uneasy about the expectations that came with such a gift I like it , thank you , Mom .
And thank you , Chase , I said , doing my best to hide the mix of emotions inside .
Chase pulled me into his arms , kissing my hair gently .
Dont be so formal with me .
Youre my wife , Emma .
From now on , you have me as your family .
2 My cheeks went beet red as I looked up to Chase and smiled affectionately .
Then , as I held the ruby pendant in my palm , cunosity got the best of me I couldnt help but ask So , is there a special story behind this necklace ? Chase nodded .
His expression was casual but a little careful as he replied , In our familys legend , that crest once protected our ancestors from disaster and brought endless good luck .
Its considered the familys guardian } Over the next few days , I went with Chases mom to a bunch of upper echelon gatherings .
They called them gatherings , but they felt more like power moves and social showcases for the elite .
!! It was at these events that I realized just how powerful the Thompson family really was .
The industries they were involved in and their vast networks were mind blowing .
Jason and his company seemed so small in comparison like little fish that didnt even make a dent on their radar !! Meanwhile , my parents were bombarding me with phone calls now that at they knew I had returned to the country .
I could already feel the storm brewing .
As expected , they were waiting for me at the door of my house .
!! When they saw me , it was like two hungry wolves spotting their prey .
You still know how to come back ? Do you even have us as your parents in your eyes ? They took turns scolding me for the bad decisions Id made .
From not answering their calls to not coming home to see them , and of course , secretly marrying Chase each of these offenses was more than enough for them to judge me My mom berated , Hurry up and get a divorce .
The Reed family is pressing me for an answer ! Whats the point of you marrying Chase ? Can he help us pay off our debts ? Jason promised .
Mom ! I interrupted sharply , my frustration bubbling over .
Ive told you countless times , Im done with Jason ! Who I I marry is none of your business ! All you ever do is ask me for money , what else can you do ? !! Right then , a hard slap landed across my face , and the sting was immediate You good for nothing child ! Always ruining the familys reputation ! We raised you with so much effort , and this is how you repay us ? My mother bellowed .
! Before I could react , my dad lunged ged at me , raising his hand again .
You wouldnt listen ! You shouldve broken up w with Jason ! You think you can defy us now that youve spread your wings ? I instinctively closed my eyes , bracing for the hit , but the pain I expected never came .