You couldnt get David , so you wanted me to ruin his wedding .
Im not like you .
Ashleys always loved me ! Ignoring Sarahs wide eyes , he stumbled towards me , reaching out .
Ashley , I regret it .
Please dont marry him , okay ? Ill give you anything you want ! I promise Ill never see Sarah again .
You proposed to me 99 times , now its my turn , okay ? He knelt down , looking up at me pleadingly .
Ashley , marry me .
Weve known each other for so long , Im the one who understands you best ! Youve only known David for a short time .
Dont ruin your life just to spite me ! He frantically patted his pockets , finding them empty , then yelled at his friends .
Go buy me flowers , a ring ! Cant you see Im proposing ? < proposiny ? I said softly , Josh , dont bother .
Have you forgotten that you were supposed to be marrying me today ? Youre the one who tricked me here .
He shook his head , confused .
That was a misunderstanding , Ashley , let me explain … I waved my hand dismissively .
Theres no need .
Havent you mocked me and trampled on my dignity enough all these years ? I followed you around like a dog , and even they looked down on me .
I pointed to his friends , who all looked down sheepishly .
You only ever saw Sarah .
When did you ever notice me behind you ? Now that Ive finally woken up and I dont want to wag my tall тor you anymore , you regret it ? Its too late .
I called a waiter , took two glasses of wine , and handed one to Josh .
Drink this .
Consider it your congratulations on my wedding .
Josh pushed it away , spilling the wine .
I wont drink it ! I wont accept this ! Sarah cried , trying to pull him up .
Stop it! Dont embarrass yourself ! Shes already married ! Josh didnt look up , pushing her away roughly .
Get lost ! Sarah ran off crying , but Josh seemed oblivious .
David snapped , Josh , are you done ? This is our wedding .
Ive been patient , but if you dont stop , Ill have you removed ! ם < Josh sat on the floor , as if he hadnt heard , still murmuring , Ashley , youre mine .
You cant marry someone else .
Youre mine , mine … I turned to leave , but he suddenly seemed to snap out of it , crawling over and grabbing my dress .
Ashley , dont go ! Dont leave me ! I really know I was wrong ! He slapped himself repeatedly .
Its all my fault .
Im trash , Im worthless ! At first , I did hate you , blamed you , thought you were the reason I didnt have a dad .
But then I realized it wasnt your fault at all .
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But I got used to you always being there for me .
I chased after Sarah because I was sure youd never leave me ! Im a horrible person … 11 Josh broke down , sobbing .
く I crouched down , prying his fingers off my dress , my voice indifferent .
I accept your apology .
But not all apologies can be forgiven .
Im married now .
I hope you wont bother me again .
I took Davids arm .
Honey , we still have so many tables to toast .
Lets go .
David squeezed my hand , and I met his gaze , feeling a sense of peace .
Josh remained on the floor , unwilling to leave .
His friends helped him up .
Come on , Josh .
Ashleys gone .
Forget about her .
There are other fish in the sea .
He struggled , yelling , Let go of me ! Dont f *** ing touch me ! Ashley , Ashley , look back at me ! Ill wait for you forever ! く I collapsed onto the bed , exhausted .
Catching sight of David adjusting his tie , I sat up abruptly , avoiding his gaze .
Im so sorry , David .
Our wedding was such a mess .
It was our wedding , but it was ruined by another man .
Anyone would be upset .
If you regret it , I understand completely .
I wont blame you … He cut me off with a kiss .
After a long kiss , I finally recovered from the lack of oxygen , meeting his loving gaze .
I waited so long to finally catch you .
Youre not getting away .