Grandma … shes not doing well … Looking at the lively old lady , my hand holding the phone grew cold .
If I hadnt seen it with my own eyes , I would have thought he finally realized his mistake and regretted it after seeing the e- vite to my wedding I posted online .
I simply replied , < Okay .
After hanging up , someone sent me a screenshot of a group chat .
Josh had sent my e vite to his friend group .
[ Look , Ashleys resorting to this to force me to marry her ! ] His friends replied almost instantly , [ The invite doesnt even have a picture .
If shes trying to bluff , she should at least make it believable ! ] [ She probably freaked out because she knew Sarah was with Josh ! ] Josh added a sunglasses emoji : [ I just called and told her to come to the wedding tomorrow .
] His friend replied : [ No need to guess , she probably cried with happiness and said yes instantly ! ] Josh : [ Everyone come tomorrow .
Its at the address < on the e vite .
I even got her a $ 15 wedding dress .
] [ If it werent for Sarah , I wouldnt even spend $ 15 on her .
] [ Josh , you should just take pity on Ashley and have both of them tomorrow ! ] [ Ew , dont gross me out .
Shes not even fit to polish Sarahs shoes ! If Sarah hadnt begged me , I wouldnt give her another chance to cling to me ! ] I thought after all this time , those cruel words wouldnt hurt me anymore .
But my vision blurred , and tears streamed down my face .
My decades of devotion couldnt compare to a single request from Sarah .
As long as she was happy , he didnt care about trampling on my dignity .
Josh and I grew up in the same neighborhood .
< Our dads were colleagues .
They were inspecting a mineshaft together when there was an accident , and it collapsed .
To save my dad , his dad was buried alive .
He was only ten .
His mom couldnt handle the pressure and abandoned him .
He was left with only his grandma .
Out of guilt , I tried my best to be good to him .
Falling in love with him seemed natural .
But he fell for the beautiful transfer student , Sarah .
He thought I was annoying following him around , so he changed my college application to a school thousands of miles away .
Sarah needed experimental data , and he called me in the middle of the night to get it for her .
I followed him around like a puppy dog for く But now , fifteen years had passed .
My debt was paid , and it was time to let go .
Sarah grabbed my hand dramatically .
Ashley , thats a huge diamond ! Josh scoffed .
Probably from Wish .
Fake diamonds arent worth much these days .
His friend , Mike , chimed in , Yeah , Ashley , dont be so vain .
If you really want to get married , youre not good enough for Josh .
I guess I could lower my standards … He grinned , revealing his yellow teeth , and reached for my hand .
I slapped it away .
Get lost ! Mikes face crumpled , and he spat on the ground .
Tch ! Thinks shes all that .
Ungrateful bitch .
Like Id actually want you ! < Like I u autually want you ! Josh was furious .
Ashley , have I been too nice to you ? How dare you talk to my friend like that ! I looked at his red face , my heart turning cold .
No matter how much I did for him , I was nothing compared to Sarah .
Even his friends could insult me at will .
Sarah blushed , tugging at Joshs sleeve .
Josh , honey , dont be so mean .
Shes just trying to help .
She walked towards me , her expression innocent .
Ashley , thank you so much .
Renting that dress must have cost a fortune ! Its even designer .
You really went all out ! Josh put his arm around her protectively .
Youre too kind , Sarah .
I bet she rented it .
He smirked at me .
This is the most expensive hotel in the city .
I く only rented it for an hour .
Someone like her could never afford a venue like this .
Sarah pouted and snuggled into him , looking pure and innocent .
Josh , honey , how can you say that about Ashley ? Shes so devoted to you ! I had seen her true colors after all these years .
A pure little flower in public , but behind closed doors , she smoked , drank , and did it all .
But Josh was completely blinded by her act , even paying for her abortion .
I tried to warn him , but he just glared at me .
Ashley , I cant believe youd say something like that .
Sarah just had a minor surgery for appendicitis , and youre accusing her of having an abortion ? Dont say that again , or I wont hesitate to hit you , even if youre a woman ! After that , I never said another word .
Sarah looked up at me from his arms , her eyes filled with triumph and pity .
She sighed dramatically .
Ashley , as a friend , this breaks my heart .
Youve been chasing Josh for so many years , and he always says how uncomfortable your feelings for him make him .
They say its easy for a woman to chase a man , but you cant force love .
He only sees you as a friend … Mike quickly added , grinning , Exactly ! Ashleys as flat as a board , just like a dude ! Nothing like Sarahs curves ! He was still leering when Josh punched him .
You cant even think about Sarah like that ! Watch your mouth ! Mike clutched his jaw , glaring at me .
At that moment , I finally understood .
No matter how much I was mocked and But a single joke about Sarah could instantly enrage him .
Sarah quickly smoothed things over .
Okay , okay , let it go , for my sake! She reached for my ring .
Ashley , return the dress and ring .
You might get some money back if you do it soon ! Her voice was gentle , but her grip was firm .
Ill pay for the return shipping .
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Stop trying to be someone youre not ! She built her innocent image with these sugar coated words .
I swallowed the bitterness in my throat and looked at her , my gaze firm .
This isnt rented .
My husband bought me this dress and ring .
Josh burst out laughing .
Ashley , enough with the fantasy .
Go home and get some sleep ! If you really have a husband , Ill change my < last name to yours ! His friends echoed him , raising their voices .
Yeah , didnt you say today was your wedding?