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After my death, the truth is revealed novel

Chapter 3

Update: 2025-03-01 03:26:50 | 1 View
1/1 286 % 3M Youre really something , honey .
Since youve asked for it , how could I refuse ? You decide then .
Should I raise her status to concubine , or make her my equal as a secondary wife , alongside you ? In my previous life , even though I shared a deep affection with the General , I remained nothing more than a maid .
Danica , the legitimate wife , had promised me that if I bore the Generals first child , she would raise my status .
Looking back , I noticed how desperate she was to manipulate me .
Before the General had even said anything about me bearing his child , she was already rushing to entice me with status and position .
She just wanted me to cherish the child I was carrying , hoping I would give her a healthy baby .
That was likely her true intention all along .
Let Gianna manage the household alongside me , Danica chirped .
We will be equals as the Generals wives ! } Her eyes sparkled with delight as she spun her web of lies.M I knew her real plan was for me to die after giving birth .
For now , all she needed was to push me toward the General , to make me pregnant .
She would promise anything to ensure that .
Fine then , lets do as you say .
Rolando chuckled , playfully pinching Danicas nose .
} ] He turned his gaze toward me , amusement dancing in his eyes .
Gianna , what are you waiting for ? You should thank you your kind hearted sister ! } This was the first time Rolando had spoken to me since I was reborn.W I was a bit dazed until the maid , Lara , nudged me .
It was then that I came back to my senses and performed a respectful gesture toward Danica.M Well , theres no need for all this formality .
Were sisters , after all .
Well be equal wives , and no more formality to each other ! Danica exclaimed , rushing to help me up , her triumph barely concealed .
} ] Had I not died and been reborn , I would have been overjoyed , and grateful to her for her so called kindness .
But now , after I learned about the truth , my heart burned with a fierce resolve .
The injustices I suffered in my past life would be repaid in full .
Danica , under the guise of planning a second wedding night for me and the General , succeeded in luring him to my room .
As I looked at the man before me , my heart was filled with mixed emotions .
I carried the memories of our past affection from a previous life , but what about him ? He might as well have been a stranger now .
He was pushed into my arms only by his wifes machinations .
As I thought about this , a dull ache began to well up in my chest .
Please enjoy the wine ! The matchmaker beamed , her face wrinkling into a wide grin as she handed us the ceremonial cups .
} After drinking together awkwardly , Rolando said , You can go and get your reward .

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Theres no need for you to stay here and serve .
} When she heard there was a reward to be collected , the smile on the matchmakers face grew even brighter .
} ] As soon as she left , Rolando turned to me , suddenly seizing my chin in such a rough grip that my eyes welled up with tears out of pain .
His hand forced my mouth open , and before I could react , his fingers thrust down my throat .
I gagged , vomiting out the wine I had just consumed .
% Making sure I vomited the wine , he followed suit , forcing himself to vomit as well .

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