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They regretted sending me to the countryside for discipline novel

Chapter 5

Update: 2025-03-01 03:24:02 | 1 View
Mom , Justins eye is more important .
Jake should make up for what he did ! Mom slapped her and shouted .
This is your fault ! Your brother only has one く bad eye , and you have cancer ! The sisters froze .
What … ? Mom started crying again .
My Jake … Dad calmly said , The test results he gave us the other day were real .
Hes blind in his left eye .
He has late stage liver cancer .
Its spread everywhere .
The sisters stared at me in disbelief .
Thats not … Г Ashley yelled , Are you lying to us ? Mom pushed her away .
The hospital called me ! Dont question your brother ! Ashley stood there , changing colors .
She was the only one who saw the results .
She didnt believe it and threw them at me and called me shameless .
She opened her mouth .
Jake … I … Brittany gave me a serious look , with a hint of < The room went silent .
I watched the drama , and felt tired .
Who would have thought that your folks would send you to someone else just to straighten you out .
Not to mention , I was tortured in that hell for four years .
After I got back , they looked on as I tried to live my life .
I smirked .
Those are the people I was desperate to see .
The folks looked regretful .
< Jake , talk to us .
Dont do this … I closed my eyes .
I was almost killed so many times .
At first , I prayed for my family to save me .
Eventually , I lost hope .
They ruined my life .
Now they want me to talk .
Leave .
Mom cried .
Dad held her as Brittany held her out of the Ashley stood there , staring .
As soon as they left , Claire walked in , crying .
7 .
Jake , I didnt know you were so sick … I said calmly , Get out .
They had those villagers torturing me .
Werent they happy I ended up like this ? Why did everyone look so sorry ? It was all fake .
Claire looked pained .
: Јаке , 1- I threw a glass of water at her .
Get out ! Ill come back later … She left .
After that day , my folks contacted a lot of specialists .
Unfortunately , my cancer was too far gone .
My body was getting weaker from the tests .
My mom changed my clothes and found all the scars .
There were scars from all the wounds that didnt heal properly .
They were everywhere , and I was disgusted with it .
Mom covered her mouth .
Jake , how did this happen ? I calmly said , You told them to teach me at lesson , right ? She stared at me .
We never did that! I smiled .
Г She panicked and grabbed me .
Jake , we didnt do it ! She called Dad and Ashley and told them .
They were shocked .
What happened to you ! Ill make it up to you ! The three of them looked at me .
I closed my eyes .
It doesnt matter , I want to sleep .
Please leave .
Even if it wasnt them , I still suffered .
Г Mom wanted to explain , but Dad and Ashley pulled her away .
They realized I was tired of them .
The next day , the folks came crying .
How could they do that to you ! Well get revenge ! Jake ! My son ! You suffered so much ! I looked at them .
After a while , Ashley came in .

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Jake … Im sorry I didnt know … I was mad at you for hurting … Justin … I I was mad at you for hurting … Justin … I didnt mean to … She covered her face and started crying .
Im sorry , Im really sorry … 11 I turned away and closed my eyes .
As soon as she left , Claire came in .
I was confused .

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