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The Orphan Girl I Picked Up Novel

Chapter 5

Update: 2025-02-28 22:12:33 | 1 View
You were not around to see the crazy things < some terrible things ! I glanced at Michael .
It was a good thing he liked Amanda .
If I married him , my life would be over .
He was going to get what he deserved .
This time , my dad looked at me .
What do you want me to do to him ? he asked .
Should I break one of his arms ? He deserved whatever he got .
But before I could speak , Michael laughed .
く Katherine , now youre scared , right ? If you had apologized to Amanda , everything would be fine , but you did not listen .
Now , your dad will break one of your arms .
You did this to yourself ! I had more conditions .
Add one of his legs .
Okay , my dad said .
Two bodyguards grabbed Michael .
He asked , Mr.
Blackwood , why are you grabbing me ? You should be grabbing Katherine .
My mom looked angry .
Г Before she was done speaking , a bodyguard punched Michael .
The others were confused .
Why were my parents doing this ? The bodyguard punched Michael .
Then , the bodyguards grabbed his arms and legs .
Michael screamed .
His arms and legs were broken .
He couldnt move .
Blackwood , why are you doing this to me ? he asked .
How will I explain this to my father ? You yuys have peen menus Tur years ! My dad grinned .
Friends for years ? Is that what he tells everyone ? I will ask him how many bad things he has said about me .
He is lucky that I even speak to him ! Michael realized that he had made a mistake .
If my dad was angry , nobody in the city would live to see the sun .
He started begging .
Please ! Please spare me ! Г My dad said , You did not anger me .
Michael looked at me .
I do not understand , Mr.
Blackwood .
Why do you like Katherine so much ? Everyone knows that Amanda is your daughter ! Everyone else agreed .
My dad slammed his cane on the ground .
Everyone was silent .
Then , my dad looked at me and asked , Did they all hurt you ? Г Everyone gasped .
They were in trouble .
Some were crying , hoping that I would say no .
But I wouldnt let them go .
Yes , I said .
Many people started crying .
My mom yelled , Be quiet ! The crying stopped .
My mom said , Take them all away .

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Hurt the men and women .
Г How dare they hurt my daughter ? They started crying .
Some were angry .
and Mrs.
Blackwood , why ? If you are going to punish us , can you please tell us why you like the orphan that you took in so much ? My dad pointed his cane at the one who spoke .
Two bodyguards dragged him and made him kneel in front of my dad .
My dad raised his cane and slammed it on the < Iviy uau iaitu 1115 Cant aliu siaminitU IL UIT LNG guys head .
My dad shouted , Katherine is my only daughter .
From now on , I will crush anyone who says she is an orphan ! Everyone was shocked .
They started cursing themselves for being blind .
Get out ! My dad shouted .
Everyone stood up and ran .
Now , only Steven and Amanda were left .
Amanda started begging for forgiveness .
< Mom and Dad , please ! Please have mercy ! I will never do it again .
She looked up , saw my parents glares , and looked down .
She pointed at Steven .
This was all Steven ! He said that if I could prove myself in the city , then I could kill Katherine and replace her .
I was shocked .

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