After finishing the photo shoot , I turned it on .
There were so many missed calls and texts .
They wanted the money , and then they wanted Heathers info .
Heather was hiding .
She couldnt hide for long .
She was used to her wealthy life , not to running from debt collectors .
I knew where she was .
I sent the debt collectors her location .
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It L 20 2011 Heather had had enough , she called me.
She wanted to meet in the old family home .
I didnt go .
The court was trying to contact her .
I saw Heather on the street .
Hello , dear sister , youve been hard to find .
She looked bad .
I took a step back .
Are you scared ? If you had paid your bills , fault .
She looked unstable .
I sent a text to Ethan .
44947 They are trying to say I committed fraud and my house was taken away .
You did this , didnt you ? I laughed .
You did it to yourself .
Dont blame others .
You made me suffer ! You wont be happy ! Heather called out to Chad , who had been hiding .
She did this ! Tie her up ! Ethan will help her ! Chad came towards me .
< I backed up and my back hit a wall .
There was nowhere to go .
I was not going to give up , I kicked him hard , but he caught my foot .
He pulled me down and I fell .
I had tears in my eyes , I closed them .
I messed up , I should have known they were crazy .
I was ready to give up , but then I heard police sirens .
Ethan had called for backup .
Chad stuffed bis Chad stuffed his hand over my mouth so I couldnt scream .
I heard Ethan , Nobody here .
Lets go .
They breathed a sigh of relief .
Ethan kicked Chad and grabbed me .
The police took them .
After the police left , I told Ethan , I thought you left .
I was so scared ! I tracked you .
I got here just in time .
Ethan hugged me tight .
21 く Heather and Chad got their punishments .
I went ahead and planned my wedding .
I saw Tiffany , looking amazing .
She flew in from abroad , to see me .
Someone is here for her second wedding ! I joked .
Tiffany smiled and looked at Liu Han , Why two , did she get a divorce ? I laughed.
Okay , bride , its time , lets get started .
My wedding started .
< She flew in from abroad , to see me .
Someone is here for her second wedding ! I joked .
Tiffany smiled and looked at Liu Hán , Why two , did she get a divorce ? I laughed .
Okay , bride , its time , lets get started .
My wedding started .
I had family now .
Mom , I hope you are happy !