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My Fiancé asked me to make amends novel

Chapter 9

Update: 2025-03-01 09:50:03 | 1 View
Chapter 9 On the day of the wedding , before I could head to the venue , Annie contacted me .
Her voice was dark and unhinged .
You bitch ! This is all your fault ! Before I could ask questions , she hung up .
Confused , I boarded the wedding car .
When we arrived , my heart sank .
This wasnt the venue Antonio and I had chosen .
The driver yanked the door open and dragged me out .
Henry stood holding white roses .
Taking my hand from the driver , he gazed at me tenderly .
Cynthia , Ive finally married you .
I frowned , pulling free .
Henry , youre insane .
Today is my wedding with Antonio .
Take me back .
His face twisted .
He seized my wrist and dragged me toward the chapel , crushing me against his chest .
The doors swung open .
My eyes widened .
Annie was tied to a post in the hall , covered in wounds .
Seeing 1/3 Chapter 9 Henry and me , she screamed , Cynthia , you old hag ! Let me go ! This is your fault ! Why wont you die ? If it werent for you , Id have married Henry ages ago ! Slut ! Whore ! Why drag him back after leaving ?! Henry strode forward and slapped her hard .
Shut up .
Apologize to Cynthia .
Tears streamed down Annies face as she pleaded , Henry , Im the one who loves you ! She doesnt ! How could you do this ? Dont you remember proposing to me under the fireworks ? Henry glanced at me , panic flashing across his face .
He turned back to Annie , cold .
You want your videos with those guys leaked online ? Apologize properly , and Ill delete them .
Annie trembled .
Sobbing , she choked out , Ms.
Mitchell … Im sorry .
I shouldnt have drugged your drink .
Please forgive me ! Henry smiled at me , See , Cynthia ? I fired her .
Made her apologize .
Ive met your demands .
Will you marry me now ? Meeting his hopeful gaze , I frowned , No.
As Henrys rage flared , I cut him off , When I loved you , I tolerated everything .
But now ? Nothing you do matters .
You disgust me .
2/3 I turned to Annie .
Do you even realize what youve done ? The police are on their way .
Better start planning your defense .
Chapter 9 When did you call them ?! Henry lunged for my arm .
I dodged .
Forcing a smile , he said , Cynthia , youve got it wrong .
Annie came willingly .
Id never force her .
You know me .
I scoffed .
I dont care if this is an act .
But you handed me that drugged drink .
Thats the fact .
The police will hear everything .
Annie suddenly broke free , brandishing a knife .
Cynthia , die ! I heard the blade pierce flesh .

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Blood bloomed brightly .
3/3 Henry stared at me , eyes brimming with longing and love .
Cynthia … I just wanted us to be together .
To marry you … He collapsed , unconscious from pain .
Outside , sirens wailed .

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