I tore apart the vicious best friend who caused me to check into the wrong room and die tragically Chapter 1 The night I covered a shift for my bestie at the motel , I had no idea my life was about to implode .
Brenda begged me to do it .
This scuzzy looking homeless dude , totally hammered , came in wanting a room .
Brenda made me promise to give him the room way in the back .
Figured he might get rowdy , so I just handed him the key like she said .
Next thing I know , Im trending online , and everyones screaming for my head .
Turns out that room was already booked by some young girl .
And this bum , thanks to my screw up , raped her that night .
She couldnt handle it and jumped off the roof .
I tried to explain , but Brenda jumps up and says , I worked the front desk , too ! She was jealous of her .
So , she gave him the wrong room .
The internet lost it .
People chased me down the street .
く The girls family , crazed with grief , stabbed me to death .
After I died , Brenda married my husband and they were happy .
I woke up again , and Brenda was asking me to cover .
1 .
Yo , front desk ! I need a room .
Now ! I recognized the bums voice .
I was back .
I looked around the hotel , and then at the time on my phone .
I was living it again .
Last time , I did what Brenda asked , and gave the guy the room in the back .
L A young girl was already in that room .
The wrong room card led to rape .
She couldnt handle it and went off the roof , ending her life .
It blew up , and I trended .
I told them I was covering for Brenda , but she said this : I work here , too , and I can say that she did this because she was jealous .
How can you do this ? I hate working with you .
That was the end for me .
Г People yelled at me in the street .
Her family found me and stabbed me .
My husband even said it was okay and married Brenda .
But here was my second chance .
The same bum .
No way was history repeating itself .
Sorry , sir , no vacancy .
Were all booked up .
2 .
The homeless guy scowled at the counter .
What are you talking about ? I booked it Г He waved his phone , showing the confirmation page .
Im telling you , I want a room right now ! Last time , they stabbed me .
I bit my lip and spoke .
Im sorry , sir , but the system is broken .
We are fully booked .
The bum didnt care .
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He tried to call customer service .
I want a room , and she wont give me one .
I am going to complain .
The phone connected and it was Brenda .
く Hello , how can I help you ? The bum spoke .
I have a room but the front desk says I dont .
What can you do ? Yes , I am sorry about that .
Can you give me the front desk person ? The bum handed me the phone .
Whats going on , ( My Name ) ? You cant just decide not to give people rooms .
You need to give him room 301 !