Lots of people at the hospital knew me .
The gossiping stopped when they saw me , they blushed with embarrassment and acted like they were needed somewhere else , running away .
I sighed .
Everyone except me knew that Sarah was special to Jake .
Every time Jake said he had to deal with an emergency at the hospital , he was really with Sarah .
No wonder Jake was so tired and worn out while I was in the hospital , he had to take care of two patients .
As I was leaving , I ran into the last person I wanted to see .
I didnt want to speak to Sarah , but she didnt seem to get the message .
Well , if it isnt Claire ? Sarah said , smiling as she got closer to me .
Her diamond necklace reflected the lights .
My heart skipped a beat .
When I got out of the hospital , Jake gave me く a ring to celebrate .
I was so happy , I wore it all the time .
If I remembered correctly , that ring was the bonus gift that came with Sarahs necklace .
I didnt think much of it when Jake gave it to me , I figured he just bought the ring by itself .
Turns out , Jake didnt buy the ring separately , he bought the necklace for Sarah and gave me the cheap free gift .
Without thinking , I hid my hand inside my sleeve .
I dont have any sisters .
My mother only had one child .
く Ive never been nice to Sarah .
She must have skin like a rhino , she didnt care that I was being mean to her .
She looked at my hand and smirked .
You think my necklace is pretty ? Ill tell you a secret , Jake gave it to me .
Sarah whispered in my ear , then looked at me with a look of victory .
So ? I didnt explode like she thought I would .
Sarah wouldnt give up , she wanted to make me mad .
く me mad .
I guess youre just stronger than me , you were able to have multiple miscarriages .
Oh , Im sorry , I forgot that you cant have kids anymore .
Sarah looked down at my stomach , but I could see that she was happy about it .
Get away from me ! I was shaking .
The baby was a dark cloud that hung over my heart .
Sarah was throwing salt on a wound .
く I pushed Sarah out of my way and headed for the door .
But Sarah said something that made me stop .
Claire , why do you think you kept losing the babies ? Once or twice , maybe its just bad luck .
But every time ? Somethings wrong .
My heart was pounding , and my face was pale .
I was always healthy , so why couldnt I keep the babies ? A horrible thought crossed my mind .
Chapter 2 Y 5 LO I immediately shook my head .
No way .
Even after everything , he was still her father .
Whats that supposed to mean ? I spun around , facing Sarah , who was smirking at me .
Seeing my face , pale as a ghost , Sarahs grin widened .
What do you think ? Youve already guessed it havent you ? 11 く Youve already guessed it , havent you ? Thats right , its exactly what youre thinking .
Jake promised me he wouldnt have kids with you .
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So , your little ones were never meant to stay .
The second the suspicion in my mind was confirmed , my heart felt like it was being squeezed in a fist , the pain stealing my breath .
If Jake really didnt want to have kids with me , there were plenty of ways to prevent it .
Instead , he let me get pregnant, over and < over , only to have me suffer through one miscarriage after another .
He was a doctor , sworn to save lives , but he kept hurting the babies in my womb I shuddered , realizing Id been sleeping next to a monster for three years .
My back was soaked in cold sweat .
Youre just pathetic , Claire, just like your loser mom .
Sarah sneered .