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Dating Two Years: He Still Wants the Innocent type novel

Chapter 7

Update: 2025-02-24 22:37:27 | 1 View
70.8 % Chapter 7 Chapter 7 Lily stiffened , her carefully constructed tears freezing in place , His voice was devoid of warmth , If it werent for you , I wouldnt have lost Laura .
From now on , dont ever contact me again .
Then , right in front of her , he blocked her on every platform .
Lily opened her mouth , as if wanting to say something .
But when she looked up , she realized he was already walking away .
James ! This time , he didnt stop for her .
Lily wiped away her tears , her expression darkening .
James , if you dare do this to me … youll regret it .
By the time I found out about all this , it was long , long after the fact .
I had once thought that after leaving , James would be nothing more than a distant memory .
Before I left , I had signed a confidentiality agreement with my school and research team .
Logically speaking , no matter how capable James was , he would never be able to find me .
And that was exactly what happened .
After breaking free from him and diving into my research , I realized there were far more beautiful and fulfilling things in this world than love .
Everything about him , everything he once tried to teach me about pleasing a man in bed … I had erased it all from my mind .
Including him .
One day , my professor came to an international conference and brought up James in passing .
After you left , James turned the entire school upside down looking for you .
Didnt you tell him you were leaving ? 75.0 % Chapter 7 I smiled and shook my head .
I make my own decisions .
My professor sighed .
He was a mess for a long time after you left .
Seems like losing you really hit him hard .
I was silent for a few seconds before finally replying .
A man playing the role of a devoted lover to gain sympathy … not exactly a rare trick .
I knew better than anyone how selfish and cruel James truly was .
Theres no need .
Were done .
I had already made up my mind this life , my only devotion would be to my country .
There would never be a day when I turned back .
The professor hesitated before admitting , He said hed wait for you .
No matter how long it takes .
I chuckled and said , Dont worry , Professor .
In five years , by the time I return , Jamess exes will probably outnumber my research team .
The professor paused , seemingly catching on , then let out a knowing smile and said nothing more .
Jamess name was like a drop of water falling into the ocean fading into nothing , without so much as a ripple in my heart .
These past five years , my research had progressed tremendously .
The moment my confidentiality agreement expired , countless media outlets both domestic and international scrambled to interview me .
The professor and my team helped turn down most of them , but some were simply unavoidable .
It had been so long since I last thought about the past .
Immersed in my work , even Emily rarely contacted me anymore .
So , when James suddenly appeared before me , my first reaction was to freeze .
The second ? To run .
79.2 % Chapter It wasnt fear .
It was disgust so deep it was almost visceral .
The wounds he left behind had long since healed , but my body still remembered .
The mere sight of him made my stomach churn .
But before I could slip away unnoticed , his gaze locked onto me , and he rushed toward me without hesitation .
Fortunately , the organizers had anticipated potential security risks and had arranged for guards to protect me .
James barely made it five meters before he was stopped by a wall of security personnel .
I turned on my heel , unwilling to waste even a second more on him .
Laura! His voice , raw with desperation , cut through the air .
The entire room fell silent .
Then , his voice came again , hoarse and trembling- I waited for you for five years … how could you … how could you abandon me again ? He sounded so aggrieved , as if I were the one who had been heartless as if I had traded our so called love for fame and fortune .
He started bringing up the past , recalling our time together , piece by piece .
I tensed .
I knew exactly what kind of man he was .
If I didnt stop him , he might blurt out things best left buried things I had no intention of exposing before an audience of eager journalists , all with their cameras rolling .
Suppressing my frustration , I let out a slow breath and forced myself to walk toward the one person I least wanted to see .

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