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Collection-My kids and his mistress kicked me out of the House Novel

Chapter 4

Update: 2025-03-01 10:03:41 | 2 View
Chapter 4 His once vacant eyes flickered briefly with a newfound light , and he nodded .
In a voice that was slightly raspy , he inquired , Could you take in my two friends as well ? Theyre both girls , and theyre really talented .
So , I found myself embracing Lachlan Greer and his friends , Genevieve Calloway and Isadora Langley .
Each possessed a unique gift , and I dedicated myself wholly to fostering their growth , standing by them every step of the way .
Lachlan demonstrated an uncanny aptitude for business from the outset .
At just twelve , he was already turning a profit by selling homemade holiday chocolates to his classmates .
Soon after , he taught himself 1/6 Chapter 4 + 5 Points coding , created a computer game , and sold it online .
He had an instinct for pinpointing market demands .
By fifteen , he secured a million dollar investment and was already collaborating with college graduates on game development .
As both his expertise and the market expanded , his business empire gradually ventured into diverse sectors luxury sports car financing , fintech , internet services , artificial intelligence you name it .
Lachlans realm continued to grow , ultimately making him the wealthiest man in the world .
Genevieve , Added to the library similarly composed and collected but thrived in research especially in pioneering technology .
Leveraging Lachlans investment , she established the Frontier 2/6 Chapter 4 + 5 Points Technological Research Institute , advancing research in areas like communication technology , semiconductors , Al chips , and more .
The institute excelled in providing core ⚫ technical support to Lachlans enterprises .
The siblings collaborative efforts propelled their empire technologically far beyond their competitors .
In contrast , Isadora was vibrant and benevolent .
She believed wholeheartedly in the transformative power of education , eventually working her way up to become the principal of a prestigious academy .
This institution not only catered to children from elite families but also counted the presidents son among its students .
Throughout the years , I devoted myself 3/6 Chapter 4 + 5 Points entirely to raising my three adopted children .
Their presence filled my life , alleviating its loneliness .
Approaching my fiftieth birthday , I decided it was time to return to the U.S.
for a ⚫ visit .
The kids , meanwhile , were behaving mysteriously , dropping hints about a grand surprise they had in store for me .
At the party , Eloise stood by the entrance in a peacock green dress that highlighted her graceful curves and fair complexion .
She linked arms with Orson as they greeted the guests .
Clarisse ! Youre here ! she exclaimed brightly , hurrying over and seizing my arm .
Before I could react , she whisked me over to where the media had gathered , posing with effortless grace .
4/6 Chapter 4 + 5 Points I know there have been whispers , but theyre all baseless .
My sister and I have a fantastic.
relationship .
I would never meddle in her marriage or become a homewrecker .
These untruths have really hurt me .
I hope our friends in the media can help set the record * straight .
As she finished speaking , tears brimmed in her eyes , capturing a blend of sorrow and resilience .
Miss Hawkesworth , a reporter called out , is it true your sister interfered in your marriage once ? Rumor has it you were forced to leave 20 years ago .
Whats your response to that ? Before I could reply , my father interjected .
Clarisse , youre finally back , he said , approaching with my stepmother .

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Under the scrutiny of the cameras , they feigned 5/6 Chapter 4 + 5 Points a familial embrace , tears gleaming in theirir eyes .
Everyone , I havent seen my daughter Clarisse in 20 years .
Forgive me , I got a bit emotional .
At my age , having my kids nearby ⚫ is all I wish for , he declared , dabbing at his eyes with a handkerchief .
Miss Hawkesworth , why havent you visited your father in two decades ? Is that how a daughter should act ? another reporter probed .
And what about your own children ? Your son now runs the family business , on the brink of going public , while your daughter is pursuing a Ph.D.
in Germany .
In all these years , theyve missed a mothers love .
Why did you leave them behind and leave the U.S.

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