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After Losing My Memory, l Divorced the Regretful CEO Novel

Chapter 19

Update: 2025-03-01 03:28:22 | 1 View
Chapter 19 Chapter 19 That night , I slept much more soundly .
1 drifted in and out of sleep until the next day around noon When I finally stirred , I noticed the IV still attached to my hand .
Beside me , a nurse was quietly taking my blood pressure .
I shifted slightly and asked , Wheres Miles ? The nurse looked at me , puzzled .
I quickly corrected myself .
I mean , wheres Mr.
Wynn ? She smiled .
Wynn left for work this morning .
He should be back soon .
I couldnt help but smile .
How nice it felt like waking up to see Miles was something to look forward to .
But as I smiled , a strange sense of unease crept over me .
Why was I so eager to see a man Id only met yesterday ? Could it be … had I already fallen for him ? The thought struck me like a bolt of lightning , and I suddenly felt deeply embarrassed .
Maybe Dolly was right I probably did have a terminal case of being a hopeless romantic .
After all , Julian had turned me into a lovesick fool , leaving me battered and humiliated for seven years , becoming the laughingstock of Riverdales elite .
And now , was I really about to fall head over heels for Miles just because he showed me a little kindness ? The idea made me want to slap myself .
Thankfully , the nurse finished checking my IV and left the room , sparing herself from witnessing my internal crisis .
I took the opportunity to look around .
The room was nothing like the guest room Id been in last night .
It was sleek and modern , with soft yellow wallpaper that shimmered faintly in silver tones .
The bed was a combination of cool gray and black , with deep blue sheets that added a touch of sophistication .
My gaze shifted to the walls , which featured an ultra modern calendar display and a few pieces of abstract art .
One painting in particular caught my eye , and I stared at it for a long time , trying to place where Id seen it before .
Finally , as my eyes began to sting from staring , it hit me that painting was the same as Miles WhatsApp profile picture .

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Uh … how practical of him .
Wait a second ! This was Miless room ! The realization hit me belatedly .
Heat crept up from my lower back to my limbs , and finally , to my face .
Chapter 19 # 25 BONU Covering my face with my hands , I stared at the furnishing around the room .
I was mortified Miles had carried me into his own bedroom last night .
Then where did he sleep ? My mind buzzed again , this time with the light headedness of sheer embarrassment .
A vibration from the bedside table snap It was my phone .
me out of my spiraling thoughts .
It must have been Miles who thoughtfully brought it to me Somehow , I just knew .
Unlocking the screen , a message notification from WhatsApp popped up : Where are you ? Are you done making a scene ? I glanced at the profile picture and immediately closed the chat window .
The message was from Julian .
It was just one cold , dry sentence .
There wasnt a shred of concern in it .
I could even picture his impatient expression as he typed it .
Then more messages followed : Were having dinner with my parents tomorrow night .
You need to be there .
Where are you ? Evelyn White , if you dont come back , dont bother coming back ever again .
I didnt respond, but Julian seemed to be spiraling into one of his tantrums , bombarding me with more texts .
Finally , unable to hold back , I replied : I want a divorce .
Im not coming back ! The response was instant , and my phone began vibrating non stop .
Evelyn , youve got some nerve .
Throwing a tantrum is one thing , but this time youve crossed the line .
Where are you ? Get back here now ! Todays Bonus Offer GET IT NOW +25 BONUS Chapter 20

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