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After exchanging bodies, my boyfriend found the true face of the malicious lover novel

Chapter 8

Update: 2025-02-28 22:08:29 | 1 View
Chapter 8 Just as I reached the door , Lily arrived with a small group of for you .
] Perfect timing , she said , flashing a casual smile .
My friends .
With that , she pushed open the door .
But the second she stepped inside , her smug expression vanished .
The room was empty .
exhausted .
They need a place to rest .
Her gaze darted around , scanning every corner like she couldnt accept what she was seeing .
Her voice grew tense as she called out , Jo ? Where are you ? At that moment , the bathroom door creaked open , and a man someone I had never seen before stepped out .
Lilys face twisted .
Then , suddenly , she lunged forward , shouting , Jos in the bathroom ! Her friends followed , rushing past the man and practically shoving the door open .
Nothing .
Lilys expression darkened with frustration as she turned back to the stranger .
Wheres Jo ? Wheres the woman who was just in here ? 7:34 AM < → The man looked confused .
I dont know what youre talking about .
I came in alone .
No one was here when I arrived .
He moved to leave , but I stepped in his path , my eyes locking on Lily .
Lily , do you know him ? She hesitated .
Just for a second .
Then she shook her head .
I grabbed the mans wrist before he could escape , my voice sharp .
Funny .
He looks shady as hell almost like a thief .
I turned to Lily .
Should we call the cops ? Panic flickered across the mans face .
Carter , tell them Im not a thief ! he blurted out , trying to yank free .
But before he could escape , a few expensive looking jewelry pieces tumbled out of his pockets , glinting under the light .
I let out a cold laugh .

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Well , well .
Looks like we caught ourselves a real thief .
The man paled .
Carter , you- I know him ! Lilys voice cut through the air , her face ashen .
She forced a smile , speaking quickly .
I forgot for a second .
Hes … hes a courier .
I asked him to deliver some jewelry .
She turned to Jason still was my body and all but pleaded .
Jason , just let him go .
I let go of the mans wrist .
Muttering a curse under his breath , he snatched up the jewelry and stormed out , throwing Lily a glare as he went .
Lilys face was a mess of emotions frustration , anger , and something dangerously close to panic .
She had just lost some of her favorite pieces .
And worse her plan had backfired .
I stepped back , dusting off my hands .
Since Jo isnt here , Ill be heading out .
Lily barely acknowledged me , too busy replaying where things had gone wrong .
Back in the suite , Jason had finally sobered up .
The second he saw me , his face filled with guilt and regret .
Jo … Im so sorry .
I almost got you into serious trouble tonight .
His fists clenched as he let out a shaky breath .
I never thought Lily would go that far .
I was blind .
I- He swallowed hard .
I was so , so wrong about her .
I gave a small nod .
Tonight had been close .
Too close .
If I hadnt already known what kind of person she was , I might not have made it out unscathed .
After finishing up with the last of the guests , I stopped by the restroom before leaving the venue .
Just as I stepped out , Lily was standing there , blocking Jasons way .
Her voice was sharp with barely contained rage .
Jo , you got lucky tonight .
Next time , you wont be so lucky .
Jasons gaze was unreadable as he looked at her .
But there was something new in it something cold gu Give it up , Lily .
His voice was quiet but final .
No matter what you do , I … Jason will never love you .
Lily let out a dry laugh , her expression twisting into something You think Ill just let that happen ? She sneered , I wont let him be with a manipulative bitch like you .
With that , she spun on her heel , her high heels clicking furiously against the I stepped up beside Jason .
as she stormed off .
I have a recording of her in that room .
His eyes snapped to mine , suddenly alert .
If you want her to stop , its up to you how you use it .
Jason straightened , something steely settling into his features .
For the first time tonight , he looked like the Jason Miller I once knew .
Jo , I swear I wont let her hurt you ever again .
I studied him for a moment .
I neither believed him nor disbelieved him .
Because even if he failed , I had my own way of handling things .
Chapter 9 The next morning , I woke up to find myself back in my own body .
I stared at my reflection in the mirror my real face , my real voice .
A wave of relief crashed over me .
It was over .
Jason was just as relieved C Jo , were finally back to normal ! He grinned , looking genuinely excited .
Now we can focus on ourselves again .
His phone buzzed .
It was Lily .
She wanted to meet for lunch .
Jason agreed , intent on ending things on and for all .
I followed him to the restaurant , disguised and seated a few tables away .
Jasons face was serious , unwavering .
Lily , Jo is my girlfriend .
Shes the only one I love .
He paused , his voice turning cold .
I know everything that happened that night .
From now on , stay away from her .
If you dont , dont expect me to show any mercy .
A flicker of panic crossed Lilys eyes , but she quickly composed herself .
Her voice softened into something small , fragile , wounded .
Jason , I dont know what she told you .
But I didnt do anything .
Shes lying because shes jealous of us .
Her lower lip trembled as she reached for his hand , eyes glistening with unshed tears .
Shes manipulative , Jason .
Shes turning you against me .
Jason flinched , then yanked his hand away .
His patience snapped .
Enough ! The restaurant went silent .
Lily froze , her breath hitching .
Jason pushed back his chair , towering over her .
The only thing I regret is not seeing your true colors sooner .
Dont ever contact me again .
He turned and walked away .
Lilys voice broke as she called after him .
But he never looked back .
A week later , the fallout was everywhere .
Lily had been disowned .
Her father had cut ties , revoked her inheritance , and kicked her out of the family .
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