Tempting The Mafia Twins 1/8 Theories Egan was in his room getting ready for the day while Genesis sat on the edge of her bed in confusion .
Waiting for one of the men in her life to come back to tell her what the hell was going on was painstakingly brutal .
She could go down to the office on the main floor but somehow , she felt stuck in the space she was in , unable to move .
She wasnt sure how long shed been staring into space , as tuned out as she was but when Kiefer squatted in front of her and took her hands in his , she jumped .
Shh .
Its me .
You were zoned out .
He lifted his palm to cup her cheek and sighed softly .
We have a team in Chicago .
We made sure to know where Astra was living in the event , she caused you any trouble .
Why would she cause me trouble , Kiefer ? We werent sure of her intentions after she abandoned you , Gen.
Even Dad said it was highly suspicious for a woman who claims to care for you to simply walk away and not look back .
So , someone was periodically checking in on her over the last week check .
Nothing overt .
Just making sure she wasnt communicating with the feds or selling you out .
She wouldnt .
Theories Did you ever think shed tell you to ditch your son ? He was trying to measure his words but there was still a sharpness to the accusation .
2/8 He had a point , and she shook her head exhaling loudly , no .
Better safe than sorry .
Anyway , when Dad knocked on my door and said Egan dreamed of Astra , so she was dead , I asked Jerren to get the guys over there to check on her .
And ? They peeked into the house to see her laying tied up in a chair on the floor of the living room with a bullet hole in her forehead .
I made them call it into the police .
Wont the police automatically suspect them ? At our orders , they told the cops she was the best friend of the wife of Kiefer OReilly , the billionaire and she missed a call with you last night , so we sent them over to check on her .
They didnt enter the premises , and they only looked through a window .
They have alibis for the time of death , and we sent them dressed .
in their suits , so they look more like a billionaires security team than Iron Force Gang guys .
Were covered .
However , her entire place was tossed , Gen.
While she was tied up and assassinated , whoever was there ransacked the house she was renting .
Why ? Dad firmly believes in Egans dreams .
He thinks someone went to her to find you .
Theories 3/8 But she shook her head , it doesnt make sense Kiefer .
Nobody in Chicago knew us .
We picked the city because neither of us have ever been there .
When she went there after leaving us , we didnt speak again .
It means nobody would have even known I was associated with her there .
She was never around us here .
when you and I were together before , so they werent going to know she was my friend there if I wasnt there .
What do you think Egan meant about the test ? What test ? He said she made a mistake with the tests .
What tests ? I dont have the foggiest .
She shook her head .
She told Egan she made a mistake with the tests and shouldnt have sent them .
Think Gen.
I know Im pressuring you when youre hurting and Im sorry but if its a clue to how we catch whoever might be out to get you , I want to figure it out .
She was thinking hard and then her eyes shot to his , the only tests I can think of is the DNA tests .
The DNA tests ? Yes .
We were always worried about how angry you would be with me for going to the feds and getting you arrested .
We both knew in this world , such a thing would normally get a bullet as a reward .
One night we watched some movie , I dont even remember what it was called , and the police were having to pull Theories 4/8 DNA from a bathtub drain to try to identify a body and Astra commented we should register my DNA in the event the cops .
have to do that for me .
It was meant as a joke but the two of couldnt stop thinking of it .
We then thought if we sent my DNA in with my real name and stuff , you might find me and since I was hiding from you , I didnt want my name in any data base .
We decided if you ever caught up to me and took me , we would get my DNA sent into one of those sites .
She ordered the test shipped overnight to her at the Inn she and Egan were hiding in until I met them .
I did the test the morning you found us .
When she left us at the restaurant , she dropped off the DNA kit in the mail .
I know because a day or two later , I got the notification .
they received it .
She paid the extra to have it rush sampled .
I noticed yesterday in my email the results were there from the day before .
I think we need to take a look at them , sweetheart .
Kiefer said.
quietly .
I dont want to leave any stone unturned .
It could be this .
It could be she did some kind of internet quiz for all we know but I dont want to miss a thing .
Please .
Can you send me your results ? I havent even really looked at them .
I got the summary on my email .
I need to go in and look at the account she set up for me .
so I can see what exactly the breakdown was but all I saw was the little summary .
Kiefer why would my DNA be the clue here .
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It makes no sense .
I dont know but lets take a look at them together .
She wrung her hands out , Egan is supposed to start school .
today .
Hes missed so much time .
Theories 5/8 Hes a brilliant child , Gen.
Missing a week or two of school in the grand scheme of things isnt a big deal .
Ill call the school .
and let them know were having a family situation and were keeping him home this week .
I dont want to send him until I know what this threat is .
I cant put a bodyguard in his class with him , no matter how much I want to and so to keep him .
safe , hes staying home .
But .
Gen , Kiefer shook is head , I failed you both on safety before .
1 wont do it again .
He stays where I am .
The house is on lockdown right now .
A cockroach couldnt slip under a door crack without us knowing .
I need you both to stay here and stay safe , please .
Until I figure out who would kill Astra to try to get to you , then you stay here .
She nodded sadly , there is one thing I cant stop thinking of .
Something my dad said to Egan in his dream .
What ? Granddad told her she did really good .
What do you think it means ? 11 I think someone was asking her information about me and she kept her mouth shut and they killed her for it .
You dont think she told them your location ? Theories 6/8 She shook her head .
My dad , she gave a snort , wasnt the high praise kind of guy .
I was little when he died , and my memories are faint but there are things I do remember .
He was not the cuddly type , but I knew he loved me .
If I sat on his lap , it was for a lesson where he would tell me a story and there was always a moral to it .
He kissed me goodnight every night .
However , he was stern and strict .
I didnt play with two toys at once because one always needed to be put away .
I didnt get to say I didnt like the food on my plate because it was all I was getting to eat , like it or not .
I didnt dare argue because I would get a tap on the ass and sent to my bed , and it wasnt one of those two minute timeout things .
Id be there for the day .
When I colored him a picture if I was outside the lines , hed point out my mistakes and remind me to do better next time .
Sounds like he was tough .
He was .
However , when he was proud of me , when I did something good , I knew .
Like what ? Like the time we went to the store , and I saved my tooth fairy money .
I could buy what I wanted with my money but what I wanted was a doll .
The doll was three dollars more than what I what was in my little change purse .
My mom was going to pay the difference , but I could see he wasnt happy about it .
I told them I wanted to wait to buy it when I had all the money myself so when I bought it , it was with my money and only my money .
He got right down on his knees and kissed my forehead and told me how proud he was of me for being strong and independent .
I didnt know what independent meant but I knew what pride was Theories and I think I glowed for a week .
Did you ever get the doll ? 7/8 She nodded , I did .
Dad gave me extra chores around the house to earn my own money .
When I earned the full ten dollars , he took me back to the store and I paid for it myself .
I was so excited to pass the money to the cashier all by myself .
I felt like such a big girl .
He carried me home on his shoulders that day .
It sounds like an incredible memory for you , Gen.
It is .
Its also why I find it compelling for him to have told Astra she did good .
It was not in his nature to throw out compliments .
She died protecting me , Kiefer .
I know it in my heart .
I think you are right , he agreed .
Also , how fucking eerie is it for Egan to have to cross a river to get to his brother ? Its him passing from one plane to another .
Its a spiritual plane .
Ive done a lot of reading and research trying to understand his gift .
This one though , she blew out through .
puffed cheeks .
This one hurts a lot , Kiefer .
I cant believe shes gone .
Well bring her back to Boston if you wish , and well have her buried in the family plot here in Boston or we can take her to Ireland .
She was of Irish descent .
Her grandmother is actually buried in Columbus .
I think shed want to be with her family .
Theories Okay .
I can make it happen .
Thank you .
Do you need a hug ? 8/8 I really do , she nodded and folded into his arms .
The simple act of his embrace loosened the hold she had on her emotions and the tears shed struggled to keep at bay , finally fell with abandon .
At some point , she felt Egan crawling onto her lap and Lorcan and Tadgh were both climbing onto the bed behind her , Lorcans arms wrapping around the family in consolation .
Despite the deep loss in her heart , the love surrounding was healing and she leaned into it , accepting their warmth and affection .
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